

chiara September 16, 2022

M-health is a sub-category of e-health and concerns health services that can be carried out through the use of mobile and wireless devices. The smartphone is the most used...

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Drop & SIT

Drop & SIT

chiara July 14, 2022

Da anni produciamo dispositivi medici certificati che supportano i clinici e aiutano i pazienti a migliore la propria qualità di vita Siamo lieti di comunicare che DROP entra a...

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chiara June 10, 2022

Telemedicine is the exchange of medical information from one location to another using digital communication, which improves patient health status. The real convenience of telemedicine is that patients don’t...

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Technologies and healthcare

chiara April 22, 2022

The technological revolution in healthcare could transform obsolete practices into more modern techniques, provide cheaper, faster, and above all more effective solutions against diseases. Trackers, sensors and wearables are...

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Telemedicine: a patient-centric approach

Giulia Ognibene August 5, 2021

Telemedicine marks a radical change in the relationship between doctor, patient and institutions.The consequences of COVID-19 have made digitalization necessary in all industries and this time progress has not...

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The technological innovations in healthcare and life sciences

Giulia Ognibene July 23, 2021

CIOs in the healthcare and life sciences sector must face the growth of technological innovations which must be incorporated into their strategic planning! 2020 saw a lot of opportunistic...

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